learn how to speak french PRO

by devloppro


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Learn French with free lessons daily. Let us help you learn the French language quickly and effectively. Learn French vocabulary, phrases, Conversations and how to pass French Tests easily.furthermore our application are provided by Best teachers and reviewed in top online teaching sites and many things more.♛ application features:✔ works on Android devices High-determination.✔ French sentence and words and its meaning in Arabic.✔ Dictionary Free French.✔ The Dictionary works without access to the Internet.✔ learn French without the Internet for children✔ Learn French in Arabic✔ French translation to Arabic
+ How to easily learn French for free for children VIDEO+ Lessons in pronunciation and learning French rules without the Network (wifi) offline.
why you have to start learning and speaking french !French or Afrencawiyeh (in French: Le Français), It is one of the Romance languages spoken by about 80 million people all over the world as an official language essential, And about 190 million people a second official language, And about 200 million people as a vested.It is the only language in the five continents beside English. And 14 percent declare they speak it as a second language Making it the third largest language tells the story as a second language in the European Union, after English and German.
Quick questions and answers about the French language :How to learn French ? France, like other languages, all you need to do is learn to read every day so you can defied the French in a certain period of time.How many hours do you need to learn the French ? Learn for an hour and speak for 30 min 6 days a week , after 2 months you'll be better than people who are lerning french in school 2 times a week.Is French language difficult ? NO, But you need some time
✦✦ What are the solutions that will be brought to you by our program. Translator from French to Arabic✔ Some of the solutions to these problems:✦ Difficulties in pronunciation of the French letters✦ Problem when some long words are difficult pronunciation. + easy ways to solve them.✦ Inability to remember some French rules.✦ Difficulties in writing some hard pronunciation words.✦ Difficulties learning French✦ Skills to learn French for newbie
+ We answered some of these Questions :How to learn French to a foreigner?How to learn French in Arabic?How long to learn French?How much time to learn French?Inability to remember some of the rules?
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